by Paula Vogel
Directed by Julia Listengarten
Choreography & Movement Direction by Christopher Niess
A deeply moving and emotional story about the thirst for freedom, the fight against marginalization and the risks people take to defend the heart-stirring power of art.
Indecent is a battle cry for resistance — an emotional, unfettering tale of the transformative pull of art, revealing that storytelling can be the light in the darkest of times. Indecent, written by Paula Vogel, a Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright, is a deeply moving and liberating story based on the true events surrounding the play God of Vengeance by Sholem Asch, where the producer and cast were arrested and convicted for obscenity for showing love between two women on stage. Vogel’s play spotlights those who have risked their careers and lives to reveal the truths behind this incendiary drama.